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    upcoming Taiwanese presidential election 結果共15筆

  • Taiwan and Lithuania strengthen ties in defense of democracy

    Legislative Speaker You Si-kun met with a Lithuanian delegation led by Matas Maldeikis, chairman of the Lithuania-Taiwan parliamentary friendship group. The meeting highlighted Taiwan’s recent election, which had a voter turnout of over 70%, as a clear message from the Taiwanese people to defend democratic freedom and national sovereignty. The delegation included three deputy speakers of the Lithuanian parliament and eight other cross-party lawmakers. Speaker You noted that 2024 is a "super election year" globally, with Taiwan being the second country to hold elections this year. He also expressed his wishes for Lithuania’s upcoming presidential and parliamentary elections in May and October 2024. The speaker emphasized that elections represent the "possibility of choice," "freedom to participate in politics," and "protection of speech," which are rights unfathomable under authoritarian rule. He called on global democratic allies to unite in facing authoritarian challenges and safeguarding democracy and prosperity worldwide. Speaker You expressed gratitude for Lithuania’s support and highlighted the countries’ cooperation on humanitarian aid, particularly in helping Ukrainian students return to school.
    2024/01/26 18:06
  • Lai Ching-te urges Taiwan to vote despite Chinese meddling

    Taiwanese presidential candidate Lai Ching-te of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has called on the Taiwanese people to use their votes as a defense against what he considers the most serious Chinese interference in the upcoming elections. Lai emphasized that while China has interfered in Taiwan’s elections before, the current situation is the worst. He believes that the best way to counter this interference is to ensure that the candidate supported by China does not win. Lai urged citizens to stand up against this interference by using their ballots to continue Taiwan’s progress and guarantee societal stability, economic growth, and the well-being of its people. He positioned the DPP’s battle not only against opposition parties but also against the Chinese Communist Party, underscoring the importance of maintaining a majority in the legislative yuan to prevent potential government functioning disputes. Lai kicked off his election campaign across 22 counties and cities, stating that this election is crucial for Taiwan’s future and Indo-Pacific peace stability. He encouraged the people to maintain the spirit of the past, choose the right person, and follow the right path.
    2024/01/03 15:45
  • VP hopefuls play key roles in Taiwan’s upcoming election

    Discover how Taiwan’s vice presidential candidates, including Hsiao Bi-khim and Jaw Shaw-kong, are making unprecedented waves in the current elections. Explore their influence on Taiwanese politics and the potential shift in the presidential race.
    2024/01/02 16:05
  • President Tsai stresses Taiwan’s economic significance

    President Tsai Ing-wen asserts that Taiwan is globally significant economically and does not rely on China as a conduit to the world. Tsai emphasizes the importance of Taichung in the upcoming elections, stating that over 50 percent of presidential and vice presidential votes will come from the city. She acknowledges that inadequate infrastructure has hindered economic growth during her presidency, leading to an investment of NT$4 trillion in public infrastructure. Tsai also highlights her significant investments in social welfare, including elderly care aids, subsidies for children, and income tax exemptions for 47 percent of the Taiwanese population. She urges support for Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential candidate Lai Ching-te in the 2024 election to continue her approach of incorporating economics, defense, and democracy to protect Taiwan.
    2023/12/30 20:50
  • Poll: 40.5% reject DPP’s Lai-Hsiao presidential bid

    A new poll reveals that 40.5% of Taiwanese would definitely not vote for the Democratic Progressive Party’s Lai-Hsiao ticket (Lai Ching-te, Hsiao Bi-khim) in the upcoming 2024 presidential election. The survey also shows that 47.1% believe cross-strait economic and people-to-people exchanges could worsen under Lai Ching-te’s leadership. Lai-Hsiao currently leads with 35.9% support, followed closely by the Kuomintang’s Hou-Jaw ticket (Hou Yu-ih, Jaw Shaw-kong) with 34.7%, and the Taiwan People’s Party’s Ko-Wu ticket (Ko Wen-je, Cynthia Wu) at 19.6%. A small percentage plan to abstain or render their ballots invalid, and a significant portion remains undecided. Optimism for Lai-Hsiao winning stands at 44.3%, while 27.3% completely rule out voting for Hou-Jaw and 20.6% against Ko-Wu. Hou Yu-ih is believed to have a 16.4% impact on cross-strait relations, while Ko Wen-je holds an 11.6% influence. The poll was conducted from December 18-19, surveying 1,224 individuals from Taiwan and the Fujian area. It was funded by ETtoday and has a sampling error of ±2.8% at a 95% confidence level.
    2023/12/20 11:51
  • DPP’s Lai criticizes KMT, TPP at new support group launch

    DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te criticized the KMT and TPP, stating that neither party reflects mainstream public opinion in Taiwan and lacks the ability to promote stable development. Lai outlined the challenges Taiwan faces, including its future in the Indo-Pacific region, the global struggle between autocracy and democracy, the challenge posed by China, digital transformation, and transitioning to net-zero emissions. He emphasized that the upcoming presidential election will determine Taiwan’s fate and the future of the Indo-Pacific region. Lai aims to ensure Taiwan’s sovereignty and long-term stability, continuing the path toward democracy initiated by President Tsai Ing-wen. He criticized the KMT and TPP for their dependency on China, aligning with the "One China principle." Lai warned that a DPP defeat could hinder policy implementation, cause societal unrest, and cast doubts within the international community. Support for DPP-nominated candidates in the elections is crucial for continuing democratic progress.
    2023/12/20 11:01
  • Hsiao Bi-khim vows to uphold ROC in upcoming Taiwan election

    Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) vice-presidential candidate Hsiao Bi-khim reassures citizens that the Republic of China (ROC) will continue to exist and be maintained, dismissing concerns that a DPP victory would lead to its disappearance. In an exclusive online interview, Hsiao emphasizes the importance of the ROC’s constitutional system as the fundamental basis of Taiwan’s democracy. She commits to upholding democratic values and public opinion in Taiwan, addressing national identity issues by asserting that maintaining the status quo is the most acceptable stance for the international community and the Taiwanese people. Hsiao declares that the ROC will continue to exist and be defended, presenting this commitment to the Taiwanese people and the international community. As the vice-presidential nominee, Hsiao’s campaign is based on the ROC’s constitutional system, highlighting her respect for this structure and the importance of Taiwan’s democracy and public sentiment.
    2023/12/15 15:42
  • Nikkei tags Taiwan vote as ’2024’s key election in Asia’

    The upcoming Taiwanese presidential election on January 13, 2024, has been dubbed "2024’s most influential election in Asia" by Nikkei Asia. Three tickets are vying for the presidency and vice-presidency: the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) with Lai Ching-te and Hsiao Bi-khim, the Kuomintang (KMT) with Hou Yu-ih and Jaw Shaw-kong, and the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) with Ko Wen-je and Cynthia Wu. The election takes place amidst heightened global tensions and increasing cross-strait strains. The DPP advocates for fortified self-defense, the KMT promotes benign communication and economic ties with China, and the TPP leans towards dialogue with China. The KMT’s cross-strait policy stance has been criticized as less convincing compared to that of the DPP. The election will test whether Taiwanese voters will stand firm in defending their sovereignty against China’s growing influence.
    2023/12/07 16:36
  • Hou Yu-ih still hopes for KMT-TPP coalition to bring change

    Kuomintang candidate Hou Yu-ih advocates for a coalition with the Taiwan People’s Party to bring political change and peace in the upcoming Taiwanese presidential election, emphasizing unity and stability for the nation’s future.
    2023/11/21 17:49
  • China takes note of Blue-White coalition: TAO spokesperson

    China’s Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) spokesperson, Zhu Fenglian, has called on the people of Taiwan and China to support the 1992 Consensus and oppose Taiwanese independence in order to restore peaceful development in cross-Strait relations. This statement was made during a regular press conference on Wednesday morning. Zhu also mentioned the potential Blue-White Coalition in the upcoming Taiwanese presidential election, emphasizing that peace, development, and cooperation represent the mainstream public opinion in Taiwan. Zhu further stated that mainland residents will only be able to travel to Taiwan when cross-Strait relations are on the correct track of peaceful development. This communication reflects China’s consistent stance on Taiwan, reaffirming its commitment to the 1992 Consensus and strong opposition to Taiwan’s independence. It is evident that China is closely monitoring Taiwan’s political dynamics in light of the upcoming election.
    2023/11/16 21:06
  • Former President Ma backs public polling for KMT-TPP ticket

    Former President Ma Ying-jeou’s support for nationwide polling in the selection of a joint party candidate for the upcoming presidential election has been clarified by Ma Ying-jeou Foundation spokesperson Xiao Xucen. This method, which was used in the KMT primary elections in 2019, was also used to nominate candidates for the presidency. Xiao emphasized that Ma’s stance remains unwavering and there is no truth to allegations that he has changed his attitude towards the polling of the prospective KMT-TPP ticket. Ma believes that public polling is the ultimate method to select a strong candidate who can compete against the ruling Democratic Progressive Party’s nominee, Lai Ching-te. Xiao further commented that public polling is a powerful tactic to unite non-ruling parties and challenge the "corrupted" DPP. He expressed optimism that public polling will continue to be embraced by KMT-TPP supporters, as well as moderate and young voters.
    2023/11/13 18:16
  • Lai urges China to value Taiwan firms’ contributions

    DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te has called on Mainland China to appreciate the contributions of Taiwanese business people to its economy. This appeal comes as Foxconn Group, a major Taiwanese tech firm, faces investigations by China’s tax and natural resources departments. Lai emphasized that Taiwanese business people are an important asset to China, fostering economic growth and creating opportunities. He urged China not to pressure Taiwanese business people during the upcoming election, warning that it would harm both sides and undermine confidence in the Chinese market. Lai also called on China to respect Taiwan’s democratic constitution and lifestyle and to accept that the civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communists is over. He encouraged China to engage in equitable and dignified dialogue exchange.
    2023/10/24 13:40
  • Ko Wen-je calls for transition to parliamentary system

    Presidential candidate Ko Wen-je of the Taiwan People’s Party is pushing for a transition from Taiwan’s current presidential system to a parliamentary system. If elected, Ko aims to establish the role of prime minister in the history of the Republic of China. Ko argues that the current system lacks efficient checks and balances, with the President and mayors of the special municipalities having significant control over politics without adequate oversight. He emphasizes the importance of long-term stability and prosperity for Taiwan, rather than focusing solely on the term of office. With the upcoming 2024 election seen as a crucial turning point, Ko is advocating for a more people-centric form of governance that truly empowers the citizens.
    2023/10/09 15:18
  • Taiwanese official warns of CCP involvement in polls

    Taiwan’s National Security Bureau Director General, Tsai Ming-yen, has revealed that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) may be involved in influencing the upcoming presidential election through Taiwanese PR firms conducting polls.
    2023/10/04 14:33
  • Latest poll sheds light on 2024 election hopefuls in Taiwan

    The Taiwanese Public Opinion Foundation unveiled its latest poll results on Tuesday (Feb. 21), shedding light on the presidential hopefuls for the upcoming 2024 election.
    2023/02/22 19:51
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